
Requests for all Sacraments should be directed to Fr. Michael in the following ways:

For Baptism and Matrimony, simply speak to Fr. Michael after any Sunday Mass.  He will explain the process and give you a registration form.

For Reconciliation, Fr. Michael is normally available in the Confessional Room on Wednesday mornings before Mass, from 9:05 – 9:25.  He is also available for appointments for this Sacrament on request.

For the Sacrament of the Sick, please contact him by e-mail or phone, or speak to him after any Mass (Sunday or Weekday).  This Sacrament is also celebrated at the morning Mass on the first Friday of every month.

For preparation for Reconciliation, Holy Eucharist and Confirmation, please see Fr. Michael after any Sunday Mass.  He will explain the process and give you a registration form.